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Thanks for your booking!

Please send the following for all drivers to or by WhatsApp to 01455 860 860

Recent proof of address

These can be photos, scans, or .pdf files downloaded from your internet banking or utility provider. They need to show your name and address, and be dated within the past 90 days.

Utility bill -  Electric, gas, water, broadband, landline
Council tax demand (this is allowed to be older than 90 days as long as it is the current council tax year)
Bank statement (including current account statement, credit card statement or mortgage statement)
Car finance statement

Mobile phone bill

If moving, confirmation of new address
This can be a rental agreement, mortgage confirmation or email from your solicitor.

Copy of driving licence photocard
 (front and back)
If you have an old paper licence, then please also send a copy of your passport. The licence address MUST be up to date, if not please let us know.

Driving licence share code
You will need to visit and generate an 8-digit code that us to allows us to view the licence to confirm any convictions. This code is case sensitive.

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© 2025 Malex Automotive Ltd t/a Hinckley Van Rental

Registered in England & Wales, 6564299

5 Barleyfield, Hinckley, LE10 1YE

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